This Month’s Meeting

Post-Meeting Notes


The Friends restarted their year with a meeting on, Thursday, September 19. Although poorly attended (everyone apparently forgot we were starting the monthly meetings again in September), those who were in attendance were treated to a special treat – a sneak preview of artifacts to be used in the upcoming Spanish Trails exhibition. Details of the business meeting were:

  1. The minutes for July were approved.
  2. The museum has made two new hires: Holly Piper (Registrar) and Cassidy Whetstone (Curator of the Research Library).
  3. For the first time in years, the museum’s humidity system is up and running properly, thanks to Raul, the supervisor of facilities.
  4. The Spanish Trails Exhibition will open on November 15. with an evening gala event to which all Friends members are invited.
  5. Current cash assets of the Friends are $45,379. Of this, $5,800 has been specifically designated by the Friends for named programs.
  6. The autumn online auction will occur from November 8 through November 22. Watch for upcoming details.
  7. Our summer fundraising campaign has ended with a total donated of $2,600, well below our goal and previous years donations. I would like to personally thank the few people who participated for their generous donations.
  8. Thanks to Donna and Michael, our new brochure is complete. A sample was shown to the meeting. If anyone needs a brochure for marketing or donation purposes, please contact Donna at 760-224-5782, or
  9. Our next bookfair will be held on December 7 at the Barnes & Noble on Rainbow. Buy your Christmas gifts and any other books or gifts you need on DECEMBER 7. The Friends receive 15% of the sales.
  10. The board recommended a change to the bylaws. The change was approved by the members. The change adds the phrase “unless approved by a vote of the membership” to the clause “No director shall serve more than 2 consecutive terms”.
  11. The motion was made to donate $3.400 from the Friends general fund to the summer campaign. The motion was approved.
  12. We have teamed with the museum to win a grant for $14,355.88 from the Centennial Commission. The grant will be used for the Spanish Trails exhibition.
  13. We received thank you notes from Lara (purchase of water for the store); Jonelle (paying for expenses for her trip to New Mexico to obtain Spanish Trail artifacts; and the staff (for purchase of the educational white board).
  14. The museum is seeking volunteers for Nevada Day – October 25. The museum will be open from 9am to 4 pm, and we are seeking volunteers for a minimum of 2-hour shifts.
  15. Our speaker for October will be Michael Green, a UNLV professor.
  16. After the business meeting, Josef (History Curator) led us on a visit to the downstairs area and a review of a number of the artifacts to be used in the Spanish Trail exhibition. It was very interesting to see the artifacts up close and to hear Josef’s explanation and story on each major item. Thank you to Josef for his time and enthusiasm.

Original Post

Join Us September 19th at 2:30pm!

Mark your calendars!  Tell your friends!  Make sure everyone knows to attend.  It’s easy to forget meetings since we skipped August, but we’re ready to go again in September.  Refreshments will be served.

Although this is a meeting for Friends members, everyone is welcomed and invited to attend.  Come and learn a bit about the museum and how you might help to contribute to museum programs.