Craig Rosen from the Desert Research Institute

The May Friends Members meeting was held on May 20 at 6 PM via Zoom.  Twenty members and guests were in attendance..  Our guest speaker was Craig Rosen from the Desert Research Institute (DRI). Craig is the Director of the Nevada STEM Networks, and the DRI office of Education Community Engagement. He was the previous Director for the Las Vegas Science and Technology Festival, bringing together 27,000 members to engage in science exploration.  DRI, and Craig specifically, know the Friends well having awarded us a grant in 2020 to develop STEM traveling trunks to be used by the CCSD schools.   They are a supporter and friend of the Friends.

DRI has three campuses in Nevada, employing over 300 scientists.  The name, Desert Research Institute, is a bit misleading since DRI does research all over the world in all types of environments.  Items currently being studied are the effects of climate change on the environment, plastics in the ocean and hw to eradicate, animal health, and health science in different areas of the world.  it was quite amazing to learn how far-reaching and influential this Nevada organization is in world affairs.  Craig’s purpose in the STEM Networks program is to determine support required to develop a top notch STEM program in Nevada schools , and the support needed by teachers to achieve STEM goals, and then to implement programs and processes to meet those goals.     Craig also presented a very interesting discussion on STEM jobs in Nevada, the need and activities to improve STEM education in our State, and the role DRI is playing in this necessary project.  

Thank you to Craig for a very informative and interesting discussion!