Roasting sites reveal clues to diet, society of early Nevadans


Yumm, roasted lilies! – How some NV natives ate

     Archaeologist James Kangas from the Bureau of Reclamation explained the evidence that scientists have collected of remainders of lots of roasting ovens in the area between the Virgin and Muddy Rivers. Natives are believed to have used ovens to roast, and then dine on, the bulbs of a desert lily called the winding Mariposa lily, or Calochortus flexuosus.
     Kangas spoke at 2 p.m. on May 5 at the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas, as part of the 2018 Southern Nevada Archeology Speaker Series. This program was free with museum or Springs Preserve membership, or with paid Springs general admission.

Mariposa lily photo by Nevada Native Plant Society. One-time fair use of image for non-profit educational purpose.