January Meeting

Meeting Update

The Friends first monthly meeting of 2024 was held on Thursday, January 18th at the museum. Thank you very much to those who attended! We appreciate your dedication and commitment to the Friends. The meeting highlights were:

  1. Hollis Gillespi, museum Director, reviewed the upcoming volunteer training sessions on February 3 at 10 am and February 8 at 2 pm. Anyone desiring to volunteer as a guide, aide, worker, etc., needs to attend one of these meetings. Pre-registration is not required.
  2. The Friends, at the end of December, had $31,861 in checking and $5,007 in savings. This does not include the approximately $3,500 from our auction or the results of the December book fair. We are waiting for payments from our vendors.
  3. Thank you letters to the Friends from Jonelle (exhibitions) and Lara (store) were read into the record. Both staff members thanked the Friends for their generosity in providing travel or supplies.
  4. The archival labels for the Registrar and the two thousand magnets for Education that were purchased by the Friends were delivered.
  5. During the meeting, the board requested all members fill out a survey to provide direction for 2024.
  6. Jim reviewed the annual report highlighting key points for the year and goals for the future. The entire annual report will be published in a separate mailing.
  7. Jim emphasized the need for volunteers or new recruits for officers for 2025. The current offices of president, vice-president, and treasurer will be empty at the end of 2024 due to a bylaw restriction on terms. These three officers have served the maximum number of consecutive terms allowed.
  8. Curators Jordan (education), Maggie (library and photographs), Rick (natural history), and Josef (history) all had displays of items the Friends had purchased about which they talked and answered questions.
  9. The meeting was adjourned at 3:40.

JANUARY 18, 2024!

Save the date now for the first Friends meeting of the New Year!
DATE: Thursday, January 18, 2023
TIME: 2:30pm, doors open at 2 pm
WHO: Meeting is open to the public – no admission
AGENDA: The meeting for the afternoon will have two distinct subjects:

  1. Jim Parish (President) will review and discuss the annual report for the Friends for 2023
  2. Several curators from the museum will display and discuss items donated to the museum by the Friends. We will learn why these items are important and how they fit in with the museum’s overall purpose.
  3. Refreshments (beverages and snacks) will be provided