December Meeting

Thirty Friends met at the December meeting on the 15th. Our speaker was Nathan Parker, Archaeologist at the Springs Preserve. Nathan’s topic was “Archaeology of a Dugout: Claude Warren’s 1972 Big Springs Reconnaissance.” Nathan’s discussion on initial archaeology work at the Springs Preserve 50 years ago, the /warren’s activities, and the history of John Howell in Las Vegas was very interesting and totally engaging, based on the number of questions he received after the presentation. The Friends thank Nathan for a great discussion! It was a great presentation to end 2022.

The Friends business meeting consisted of these key points:

  1. A new facilities manager has started work at the Museum.
  2. We received a $10,000 grant from the Lanie Albrecht Foundation to be used for trunk expenses.
  3. Our checking account has $29,800, with savings at $5,004.
  4. We have an outstanding invoice of $10,695 for the scanner, due in January:
    • We have an outstanding credit of $5,470 to OAG for grant expenses
    • Thirty participants generated $378 at the latest Pinots painting.
  5. Our fall auction generated $5,710 in sales. Fantastic event! Thanks to Donna harper for all her work an the auction.
  6. The Board is recommending two by-law changes in January:
    • Change board position of Media Coordinator to Community Outreach.
    • Eliminate august meetings due to historical low attendance.
  7. The 2022 Annual Report will be distributed at January meeting
  8. Our January speaker will be Janis Kadlec, Director of Interpretive Planning at Red Rock Canyon.
  9. Our annual elections are in January. Nominations are still open for all officer positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Community Outreach.
  10. the January meeting will be held on January 19, 2023, at the Museum at 2:30pm.


Join us for a presentation:

“Archaeology of a Dugout: Claude Warren’s 1972 Big Springs Reconnaissance.”

Our presenter will be Nathan Harper, Springs Preserve Archaeologist! Join us! All visitors are welcome!

In 1972 archaeologists identified a pioneer period dugout house at the location of Big Springs. Celebrate the 50th anniversary of this work by learning about the dugout’s excavations and possible occupants with SNWA Archaeologist Nathan Harper.